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50. third to sixth in the final rankings issued by the selection0Dogcat25014782019-08-12 06:00:07, Dogcat250
51.placing the 25-year-old centre back on waivers0Dogcat25014922019-08-12 05:51:01, Dogcat250
52.power-play goal and then assisted on Shane Princes 0Dogcat25015052019-08-12 05:47:15, Dogcat250
53.change his game and preserve his career in this league0Dogcat25014752019-08-12 05:42:10, Dogcat250
54.visiting North America for only the second time in his 0Dogcat25014732019-08-12 05:37:41, Dogcat250
55.Teheran pitched 7 1-3 innings and had two hits Friday0Dogcat25021032019-08-12 05:31:34, Dogcat250
56.f the match, but were able to resist a late Highland0Dogcat25014312019-08-12 05:25:48, Dogcat250
57. with the Bills on Monday after spending the morning0Dogcat25014992019-08-12 05:20:22, Dogcat250
58. three hits and San Diego handed the stumbl0Dogcat25022802019-07-08 03:52:57, Dogcat250
59.Garbutt has a career-high 18 points with 10 goals0Dogcat25016262019-06-21 05:00:32, Dogcat250
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