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Blue Jackets Brandon Dubinsky to miss start of 201

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cytujWys³any: 2022-09-03 17:28:37 Temat postu: Blue Jackets Brandon Dubinsky to miss start of 201
Centerman Brandon Dubinsky will be sidelined indefinitely with a wrist injury, the Blue Jackets announced on Wednesday.A veteran of 823 NHL games, Dubinsky has Addison Russell Jersey not played a full 82-game season since 2008-09 with the Rangers.Last season, he played in 61 games, netting six goals and eight a sists, while mi sing sometime with a hip injury. Two seasons ago he suited up for Jon Lester Jersey 62 games; 2016-17 was the last season he hitthe 80-game mark. Brandon Dubinsky, out indefinitely, has played in three preseason games (0-3-3) with seven shots on goal and has won 50 percent of his face-offs. Practiced on Tuesday. Did not practice today. Aaron Portzline (@Aportzline) MORE: A hard-nosed forward who's never afraid to get into the dirty areas and has won 53 percent of Brandon Kintzler Jersey the face-offs he has taken in Fergie Jenkins Jersey his career, Dubinsky did have surgery on his right wrist back in May 2017. that September that the surgery repaired torn ligaments and had been bothering him since 2015-16. Whether the current injury is the same wrist has not been disclosed.When he does suit up again, Dubinsky's return would mark the start of his 13th NHL season and eighth with Columbus. In 430 games with the Blue Jackets, he has 72 goals and 153 a sists. Columbus' Dillon Maples Jersey season is slated to beginon Oct. 4 against the Toronto Maple Leafs.
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