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The developer note continues to state

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cytujWys³any: 2022-11-21 06:41:06 Temat postu: The developer note continues to state
The biggest of those changes is the elimination of WoTLK Gold the game's area-of-effect (or AOE) cap. Introduced in Shadowlands The AOE cap means that many abilities which are capable of hitting multiple enemies only be effective on a small number of targets. This will change in 9.1.5 that will see abilities that are currently AOE limited instead do less damage to enemies over the initial five targets.

World of Warcraft : Shadowlands: Chains of Domination

A developer note in the full patch notes explains the reasons for the change:

"We've received a lot of feedback on how these abilities aren't hitting enemies within their range results in a feel-problem for WoW combat, but it's also an issue for trivial encounters , such as farming legacy content," the patch notes declare.

The developer note continues to state that although overall AOE damage from abilities will be increasing with the elimination of this cap the damage to each target will decrease.

"This solution means that these abilities and their classes continue to hold a powerful market against packs of 4 to 6 enemy units," the patch notes note. "As always, the tuning can change as a consequence of buy WoTLK Classic Gold this shift in the next few weeks based on your feedback to the PTR."
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