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Operating Principle of Rail Transfer Cart

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cytujWys³any: 2022-12-24 09:14:51 Temat postu: Operating Principle of Rail Transfer Cart
The abnormal situation of rail flat car wheel
The abnormal condition of rail flat car wheel is generally divided into two cases, the first one is oval local depression, the second one is loose spalling, which is introduced to you today.
For the oval local depression, the reason is that the wheel is held by the gate tile, which causes the wheel and the rail to slide friction, and the wheel is locally worn out; for the loose spalling, it is possible that the poor braking condition or the poor braking system causes the tread surface to be partially peeled off, and there is also a situation that the surface of the wheel is made with slag, and the tread surface is peeled off at the slag part after rolling.
The rail car is controlled by AC control system to start, stop, forward and backward by AC metallurgical motor, which is safe and flexible, with high requirements for track laying (need insulation treatment track), suitable for large load capacity and medium and long distance transportation.
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