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Relationship Rings For Couples

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cytujWys³any: 2024-08-23 17:15:50 Temat postu: Relationship Rings For Couples
Relationship Rings For Couples: History, Meaning and History

The snake ring is a fascinating and captivating piece of jewelry. In actual fact, since ancient times humans have been captivated by the python, and has given different meanings through jewelry. Explore the history of a diamond and who would wear it.

The snake is an animal which in the course of time the ambivalent meanings of the animal have been connected to the concepts of good and evil life and death. This is likely due to the nature of the snake, that is typically underground, can be poisonous, but also, has the ability to regenerate itself by changing its skin. It is a fascinating evolutionary process.

The goldsmith's art has therefore used the opportunity to create stunning and sinuous jewels that have this singular shape, which was fashionable in the Victorian era. Find out the meaning and history of the snake ring.

Couple Bangles: the history

Since the beginning of history, the snake has been a source of inspiration and imagination of humans Think of the biblical episode of Adam and Eve where the snake is none other than the devil who is enticed.

The animal was also a part in Egyptian culture represented, on the one hand, as a beneficent God (Mehem) and on the other hand, as the God that incarnated the darkness (Apopi).

In the past, in Greece In the past, it was a symbol of magic as well as esoteric understanding and offered visions of the future. In Roman civilisation it was a benevolent deity that protected families, and was also a symbol that was linked to the sexual sphere and fertility.

Moving further east, in India the snake was a symbol of the divine energy in all of us. A dark and deadly energy that can be harnessed to the benefit of one's self if managed properly.

It was only thanks to Queen Victoria that the snake became a popular and fashionable jewel. The sovereign chose a golden ring with an emerald for her gift from Prince Albert. She was able to wear it every day and, with the help of the media, helped spread this type of jewel throughout Europe.

Snake ring: what does it mean?

The value attributed to this animal and its dazzling shapes have always inspired master goldsmiths to make of stunning jewels. Snakes have many different meanings. They can be ambiguous and contradictory.

Additionally, it is an emblem of new life and longevity because of its ability to completely rejuvenate its skin. It is therefore advisable to gift or wear a snake ring if you are looking for a renewal in your life.

Numerous gems, furthermore, reflect the image of Uroboros, the snake that eats itself, and gives life to the cosmic cycle, an infinite circle that has no beginning or ending, the eternal return, immobile, but forever in motion, like the circular coils of a snake. It is therefore a symbol of the universal energy that is regenerated and consumed and the cyclical nature that is the basis of our universe.

How do you resist these rings that wrap around your fingers? Explore them all at our jewelry stores as well as in our online jewelry store.
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