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120. Saturday and stay in the Spanish league title 0Dogcat25022572019-04-30 03:34:31, Dogcat250
121. Carey Price skated without equipment on 0Dogcat25021792019-04-30 03:27:10, Dogcat250
122.the club said that its president of hockey 0Dogcat25014632019-04-30 03:19:25, Dogcat250
123.Germany duel for the World Cup slalom title0Dogcat25022402019-04-30 03:08:26, Dogcat250
124.breezed into the third round of the Australian Open0Dogcat25022422019-04-30 03:01:51, Dogcat250
125.Thursday night and did not get to New Orleans0Dogcat25014932019-04-30 02:56:30, Dogcat250
126. Remound Wright rushed for 64 yards and tw0Dogcat25015102019-04-29 05:56:26, Dogcat250
127.His catcher got him all the support he needed0Dogcat25015002019-04-29 05:33:22, Dogcat250
128.hampered the 34-year-old from Brossard0Dogcat25014742019-04-29 05:27:54, Dogcat250
129.Craig Anderson made 25 saves for the Senators0Dogcat25015552019-04-29 05:23:34, Dogcat250
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