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190.Medica walked into the San Diego Padres1Dogcat25042532024-03-15 01:08:45, collegefootball
191.Canadas Milos Raonic defeated Edouard Roger-1Dogcat25022192024-03-15 01:08:20, collegefootball
192.match at Madison Square Garden on Monday1Dogcat25025222024-03-15 01:07:39, collegefootball
193.It was his first putout as an outfielder 1Dogcat25027662024-03-15 01:07:19, collegefootball
194.Senators 3-2 win against the Boston1Dogcat25032252024-03-15 01:07:00, collegefootball
195. burst of energy upon entering as the games first sub1Dogcat25039162024-03-15 01:06:40, collegefootball
196. first five innings, striking out nine times, but forced1Dogcat25029412024-03-15 01:06:19, collegefootball
197.Garcia one-putted the final 11 holes and made birdies1Dogcat25023542024-03-15 01:05:50, collegefootball
198.AJ Maddox Ole Miss Jerseys0collegefootball3092024-03-15 01:04:27, collegefootball
199.Parris Campbell Ohio State Buckeyes Jerseys0collegefootball3012024-03-15 01:04:06, collegefootball
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